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Car Detailing at
the highest level

Car detailing


  1. 01
    New & modern cars

    Only thorough preparation guarantees flawless and long-lasting results. A complete decontamination of the car, its paintwork, engine compartment, rims and interior are crucial. Proper protection seals this result in the long term.

  2. 02
    Paint Correction

    A perfect paint job is the basis for a perfect deep gloss and reflection. Light high gloss polishing maximizes the high gloss; even on a new car

    Two-step polishing to perfect a recent paint back by removing wax scratches and dullness.

    Multi-step and multi-day correcting and polishing to bring back to life severely disfigured paintwork. Perfect for removing marks from the car wash or deep scratches.

    Our professionals know what's right.

  3. 03
    Ceramic coatings

    In one step, the coating provides long-lasting paint protection and adds extra shine. The result of the thick smooth coating is that the surface becomes extremely water repellent, allowing rain and wash water to bead and run off. This extreme beading effect not only looks nice but also helps remove dirt more easily.

    Specific ceramics are used depending on the surface. Paintwork; rims; plastics; windows; stone chips;... all have a different composition and thus coating.

    Our top Gyeon coating provides incredible protection for up to 5 years or 50,000km even on daily used cars. It is virtually unaffected by strong chemicals and can only be removed by machine polishing.

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    Leather repair

    At Pole-Position, you can get a complete cleaning of your interior. Perfect to sell the car as new or to get back a fresh interior. After all, you are constantly looking at the interior, so getting it back in perfect condition is no superfluous luxury!

    If you would like an interior treatment, we are happy to make you a customized offer because not every interior is the same!

    Leather repair and tinting is the solution to address incipient damage. We also offer solutions for extensive damage and problems such as reupholstering seats, replacing seams, installing carpets and so on.

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We only use the best products

Pole Position has been testing the latest products for more than 15 years in order to always be up to date in terms of market developments. We choose only the best for our treatment. Only in this way can we guarantee a perfect result.

So we offer the best and most durable protection for the exterior and interior of your new car or oldtimer. Paint, metals, plastics, glass, textile and/or leather coverings are subject to various aggressive influences such as road salt, environmental and industrial pollution, acid rain, birds, dust, etc. Pole Position treats each part manually and/or mechanically with the necessary care and the best products.



    If you are looking for the best and most durable protection of both paint, rims, glass and plastics then we recommend a Gyeon Infinite coating. This coating is guaranteed to stay good for 5 years or 50,000km or indefinitely with correct and regular maintenance!

    Do you do a lot of motorway or track driving? Or rather protection against vandalism? Then choose for a protection against stone chips with the XPEL Ultimate Plus stone chip protection film.

    If you have a vintage car or wish to go even further, Pole Position can offer you a tailor-made treatment.


      How does a treatment work?

      It is composed of several modules depending on the car, the client and their needs. This is how we work out a treatment and quote tailored to your needs.

      • 01
        Basic (from 650€)

        A clean base is the start of a perfect finish and lasting results. All impurities are removed from on the paint; from the interior and more. A new car is also addressed to remove light imperfections or factory wax or grease.

      • 02
        Paint correction (from 390€)

        When high-gloss polishing of the paintwork is not enough, deeper polishing is required. A comprehensive machine paint correction in several steps is good to remove all wax scratches and damage from the paint. We start with a rough polishing paste in combination with a cutting wool pad; decreasing speed and grit ensures maximum correction with ultimate depth and reflection as a result.

        This paintwork correction strongly depends on the damage, the color and type of paintwork. Execution is consequently always done per quote or in direction.

      • 03
        Ceramic Coatings (from 495€)

        A complete paint finish in Gyeon Ceramic Coating; good for years of protection and dirt and water repellency. This complete package includes sealing the entire exterior:

        - Gyeon Infinite for paintwork

        - Gyeon PPF for protective film

        - Gyeon Trim for plastics

        - Gyeon Rim for all rims and calipers

        - Gyeon View for all glassware.

      Questions or a quote?
      We are happy to help